Year 1 & 2 (KS1)
Welcome to our KS1 class page
In KS1 we have three classes, two Year 1/2 mixed classes and a Year 2 class. Children come up from Reception to us where we build on the early skills and the foundations that have been laid. We work closely with the Early Years team to learn about each individual child. When children start in Year 1 we continue with a continuous provision style of learning and adults work with small focus groups to complete learning in books. In addition to accessing the continuous provision inside the classroom and in the outdoor area, children will also complete rainbow challenges independently. Rainbow challenges will cover different areas of the curriculum through the continuous provision. On a typical day the children will have a Maths input, Phonics, Reading, English and then either Topic/ Science or PE in the afternoons. Lunch is between 12.15 - 1.15pm. As children move through the year we will prepare them for the step up into Year 2 and more formal learning. In Year 2 the children will build on their Year 1 learning with slightly longer inputs and continue to work with more independence. All three classes follow the same topics and these are taught on a rolling programme to ensure full coverage of the KS1 curriculum. Further information can be found on the curriculum page.
Each morning a member of the KS1 team will be on the gate to welcome the children into school and to take any messages/ questions from parents. Registration is between 8.45-8.55am.
Key information:
Please make sure your child brings a named water bottle each day.
Fruit is available each day for the children or they can bring their own healthy snack in from home for playtime. NO nuts allowed. There is also a hot snack on offer for the children which they will need to bring money in for. They will be responsible for looking after their own money.
Please make sure all belongings are named this ensures they can be returned to you much quicker!
Our PE days are Mondays and Thursdays.
This year as a whole school there will be a bigger focus on homework to support your child’s learning in school. In KS1, homework will be sent out on a Friday and then checked on a Wednesday to ensure it has been completed. Children then may need to complete this in school if it has not been completed at home. This is being slowly introduced and will build up as the year goes on.
Reading every night but reading diaries must be signed at least 3 times a week – reading prompt questions are stuck in the front of your child’s reading diary to focus on understanding.
Spellings – sent out on a Friday to learn. These are then tested on the following Friday as part of your child’s Phonics lesson. They will have been focussing on these words as part of their Phonics that week.
Phonics homework sheet being sent out from 13/9/24 each Friday.
Maths will be sent out in due course and information will be given. In the meantime, each child has a Numbots/ TTRS login in their reading diary. This is a learning Maths game that the children have enjoyed playing in school.
Google classroom:
Messages/updates are posted on our google classroom regularly.
Please speak to your child’s Teacher for their login details.
You will also find copies of letters, knowledge organisers to support learning, sparkling start information and general reminders.
National Curriculum:
Please see the attached documents to see the objectives children are taught in Year 1/2 and the expectations for the end of the year.
Children will continue to have daily Phonics lessons in Year 1 and Year 2. The focus being to learn an increasing number of sounds and being able to segment/ blend words in order to read. Below are sound mats for Levels 2-5 which children should know. At the end of Year 1 all children will take part in the Phonics Screening Check where they will need to read real/ alien words. Below is an example of the check. Attached also are common exception word lists for Year 1 and 2. These are tricky words that the children cannot sound out but will need to recognise by sight and be able to spell them.
If you have any questions etc then please do get in touch. You can email us on speak to us at the gate or telephone the office to make an appointment.
Many thanks,
KS1 team