On behalf of the children, staff and Governors, I would like to say welcome to the Edgar Sewter Primary School website.
We are very proud of our school and the standards of care and education we provide and hope that you will be pleased with the experiences on offer for your child.
This website contains information to help you to get to know and understand our school and the way we work, as well as some information which we are legally required to include. We hope that the information on this site will help you to make an informed decision when choosing the right school for your child, as well as explaining our aims and what we can offer for your child and their education.
Edgar Sewter Primary is a happy, lively and productive community where children, staff, governors and parents work together and our achievements are celebrated together. We value our home-school links and aim to keep parents informed about what is happening in the school generally, as well as their own child’s progress. We believe that by working together we can ensure that your child is happy in school, as when children are happy they will make progress. We communicate regularly with parents through newsletters, parents’ evenings, open sessions, and informal chats. If you should ever have any concerns about your child please arrange to see your child’s teacher after school, or come and talk to me.
We will build on the learning experiences that your child has had before coming to our school. Children will be taught at a level appropriate for them, and we will keep you informed of your child’s progress throughout their time with us. We treat and value each child as an individual and ensure that all of our children have opportunities for success during their time here.
Visits to the school can be arranged by telephoning the school office for an appointment. Thank you for your interest.