
At Edgar Sewter Primary School we expect children to attend school every day, as long as they are fit and healthy enough to do so.

Research shows that pupils who attend school regularly are more likely to do well in the future. Regular attendance helps children to develop their confidence and to make and keep lasting friendships.

School absence

If your child is too ill to attend school please contact us either in person at the school office or telephone 01986 873 194 If your child has a medical appointment you need to notify the school in advance, we also ask for a copy of the appointment letter or card. Only take time off for the appointment, not the whole day.

Celebrating Good Attendance

Every week in our Friday assembly we celebrate the weeks best attendance. The class with the highest attendance for the week is awarded a trophy. The class with the most trophies at the end of term is rewarded with a non-school uniform day.

We also reward individual good attendance. If a child achieves 100% attendance for a full year they receive a certificate and badge.  

2024-2025 Edgar Sewter Primary Weekly Attendance

Traffic Lights

On your child’s progress and end of year reports we have introduced our traffic light system. This is to help you keep a track on how your child’s attendance is shaping up.

Red – this means they have had significant periods of time off school this year (below 92%) and are at risk of underachieving as a result.

Amber – this means that your child’s attendance is on or below 95% and is being monitored.

Green – this means your child has attendance which is on or above the 96% minimum expected mark – well done, keep going.

Educational Welfare Officer

At Edgar Sewter we work closely with the Educational Welfare Officer. Children whose attendance is regularly low will be referred for support.

Holidays in term time

Under the Education Act (1996), parents and carers are required to ensure that their child attends school regularly. Therefore parents and carers should avoid arranging holidays or making other commitments during term time. Of course, circumstances may arise which lead parents/carers to ask for leave of absence during term time. Unfortunately, in many cases, even if a student has an excellent attendance record and the request is a reasonable one, the current law means that we will refuse the request. Government expects it to be extremely unusual for leave of absence, including holidays in term time, to be permitted by schools. Hence, we are only able to grant absence in ‘exceptional circumstances’.

You MUST inform the school if you are planning to take your child on holiday during term time. The request will be considered by the school, and a letter will be sent to the parent/carer detailing the Headteacher’s decision.

Penalty Notices

At Edgar Sewter School we use penalty notices. Suffolk County Council’s Education Attendance Service is responsible for deciding when to issue penalty notices. As a school we make a referral when pupils take a term time holiday or when a pupil has missed six sessions (three school days) due to unauthorised absence. A penalty notice will be issued to each parent or carer for each child. The penalty is £60 if paid within 21 days or £120 if paid between 21 and 28 days.

FPN Leaflet.pdf

working together to improve school attendance

Attendance Policy 2023-2024 Edgar Sewter(Trust Model Policy).pdf