
Language lessons

At Edgar Sewter primary school we want to promote a love of learning languages and a fascination for how language works. We teach MFL in upper Key Stage 2 taking into consideration the primary MFL entitlement as set out in the National Curriculum 2014. The main language we study is French in order to support transition to Key Stage 3. The children in year 5 and 6 have a weekly language lesson following Language Angels scheme which use exciting and engaging resources and materials. 

The local community and the wider world

At Edgar Sewter we believe in the importance of teaching children about not only their local community but also the wider world. With a focus on France and the French language we believe in providing opportunities for children to discover ways of life and cultures in other countries that may differ from their own.

Emotional and social awareness

We support this through the teaching of MFL as it gives children an insight to other languages and cultures and makes them aware that people communicate in different ways. It also develops the children’s emotional awareness around the difficulties people who have English as a second language face. We encourage a life long understanding of cultures, language and differences from around the world.

New possibilities

The children of Edgar Sewter can learn a language that will enable them to speak to a wider range of people and provide new possibilities for the children both in school and when they leave. The aim is to inspire the children with the possibility of visiting other countries and continuing their learning outside school and as they grow up.