Year 5 & 6 (UKS2)

Welcome to our Year 5/6 class page 

Currently in Year 5/6 we have four classes; two Year 5 classes, 5D and 5S, and two Year 6 classes 6L and 6R.   As a year 5 &6 team, we work closely with each other and follow the same rules, routines and ethos. Year 5 and 6 children work with their class teacher for the majority of the day.

Each morning a member of the Year 5/6 team will be on the gate to welcome the children into school and to take any messages/ questions from parents. Registration is between 8.45-8.55am. On a typical day the children will have Reading, English, Daily Maths and Maths in the morning. Lunch is between 12.30pm and 1.30pm. Afternoons consist of other subjects such as Topic, Science, Art, PE etc.

Key information: 


Our PE days are Wednesday (swimming) for year 5,  5S Monday and 5D Friday.  6L have PE Monday and Tuesday and 6R Tuesday and Thursday.  Information about PE kit can be found here.



Information about the school curriculum can be found here.

If you have any questions, then please do get in touch. You can email us on or speak to a member of the team at the gate.  Do ring the office to make an appointment to speak with a specific teacher. 

Many thanks, 

Year 5/6 team

Year 5

Useful Information

Year 5 Spring map 2025.docx.pdf

Year 6

Useful Information

Y6 Newsletter Autumn 24.pdf