Pastoral Support
Miss White
Family Liaison Officer
Mrs Ingold
Pastoral Support and Thrive Practitioner
Pastoral Support
Our pastoral support team's main aim is to turn sad faces into happy faces. This means working closely with parents / carers, teachers and outside agencies to help and support children, who for various reasons are experiencing difficulties with emotional problems, behaviour, attendance or achievement.
The role includes:
• Working with individual children and small groups.
• Working closely with all school staff to ensure that appropriate support is in place.
• Working in partnership with parents / carers, supporting their needs and those of their child.
• Monitoring attendance, supporting children and families when appropriate, to help improve attendance and punctuality.
• Being a point of contact to outside support agencies for parents and their child.
• Liaising with local High schools to help ensure a smooth transition for those children about to leave Year 6.
What does this mean for you as a parent?
We hope it reassures you to know that if your child experiences any difficulties at school, there is someone here who can give the kind of individual attention your child needs.
It is important for you to know that our pastoral team are here for you, the parent too!
If you feel you need to talk to someone about your child or anything else relevant to your child that may affect their school life, please do not hesitate to contact the pastoral team.